Are you ready for more support on your fertility journey?

A Christian Fertility Coach who understands your journey and walks with you in faith through the waiting.


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Are you ready for more support on your fertility journey?

A Fertility Coach will hold your hand the whole way. 

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You want to conceive and hold your precious baby more than anything. 

...and you expected that as soon as your spouse and you were ready to start your family it would be easy! You were already brainstorming how you were going to tell your husband after you saw those two pink lines... 

but it turns out, God has you in a waiting room you never expected. The path to starting your family has looked nothing like what you imagined.

Are you someone who has...

  • Spent countless nights praying and searching for answers, feeling lost and confused about God’s plan for your life, especially when your prayers for a child seem unanswered.

  • Wrestled with doubt and uncertainty, questioning whether you’re truly on the right path and if you’ve misunderstood God’s calling for your life.

  • Devoured every book and sermon on faith and fertility, but still feel like there’s a disconnect between what you’re reading and what you’re living out.

  • Tried to trust in God’s timing, but as each month passes, you’re left feeling more discouraged, unsure of what steps to take next.

You feel emotionally exhausted...

spiritually drained, 

questioning if you're truly on the right path as each month passes without the child you so deeply desire.

Despite your prayers and efforts to trust in God's timing, you're left feeling lost, discouraged, and uncertain about His plan for your life.

The disconnect between your faith and your reality is overwhelming, leaving you stuck and searching for clarity.

What if there were someone who could support you through your waiting season?

Someone who could...

  • Help you sift through spiritual doubts and confusion to find clarity in God’s calling for your life.

  • Guide you in emotionally processing the pain and frustration of waiting, while staying anchored in faith.

  • Provide a faith-based perspective as you navigate the emotional ups and downs of each month.

  • Walk alongside you to discern and make prayerful decisions, ensuring your choices align with God’s plan.

  • Lift you up with encouragement and prayer, helping you keep moving forward with trust and hope in God’s timing.

A Christian Fertility Coach!

I will help you find peace and clarity in God's plan for your journey to motherhood, empowering you to move forward with faith and confidence.

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After battling infertility and trying to conceive for six long years, I finally received my first positive pregnancy test through IVF, leading to the birth of my precious daughter, Highland. I deeply understand the emotional and spiritual toll that waiting and uncertainty can bring because I've been there myself. My personal journey, combined with extensive research and specialized training, has equipped me to help women like you heal, learn, and grow during these challenging seasons, all while staying rooted in faith. You don’t have to walk this journey to conceive alone—I’m here to support and guide you every step of the way.


I believe in fertility as a holistic journey that integrates faith, wellness, and mindset. It’s about creating nurturing habits and routines that not only support you through your fertility challenges but also help you thrive in all aspects of life. My approach is deeply rooted in Christian faith, personalized, and comprehensive.

I believe in addressing fertility through the well-being of your thoughts, soul, body, and marriage, which is why I’ve developed a signature framework that includes:

  • Bible-based mindset coaching to help you navigate the emotional ups and downs with faith and trust in God's plan.
  • Holistic nutrition to nourish your body and support your hormones, honoring your body as a temple.
  • Spiritual and emotional support to keep you grounded, centered, and aligned with God's purpose during your journey to motherhood.


Through this faith-centered approach, I aim to empower you with the tools, support, and guidance you need to confidently move forward on your path to motherhood.

Ready to get started?

Today is the day you start walking this path with the support to thrive through the waiting and finding peace in the in-between! Let's do this!


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When you enroll in the Path to Motherhood program, you’ll receive personalized support to help you:

  • Clarify your next steps on your journey to motherhood, ensuring that your decisions are aligned with God’s plan and your unique situation.
  • Create a faith-based nutrition plan that honors your body as a temple and supports your fertility, helping you prepare physically for conception.
  • Release emotional and faith blocks that may be holding you back, equipping you to overcome fear and doubt through God’s promises.
  • Reconnect with God, embracing your fertility journey with a holistic, faith-centered approach that nurtures both your physical and spiritual health.
  • Tap into God's Word as your source of strength and faith, finding wisdom and resilience in God’s word to navigate the ups and downs of your fertility journey.
  • Understand and interpret your body’s signals, such as ovulation and other fertility indicators, with confidence and clarity through a faith-based perspective.
  • Identify and address any imbalances, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, that could be affecting your fertility, ensuring a holistic approach to your well-being.

All sessions are customized to meet your unique needs, ensuring that every aspect of your journey is supported with faith, love, and understanding.


PLUS, you'll receive:

Tangible Resources You'll Receive:

  • Personalized Bible Study Guides and Devotionals: Deepen your spiritual journey with tailored Bible study guides and devotionals that align with your fertility goals and spiritual growth.
  • Fertility-Friendly Meal Plans and Recipes: Receive a customized nutrition plan, including fertility-boosting meal plans and easy-to-follow recipes that support your body’s needs.
  • Faith-Based Affirmations and Prayer Cards: Keep your faith strong with daily affirmations and prayer cards designed to encourage and uplift you during challenging moments.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Scripts: Access guided meditation and mindfulness scripts rooted in scripture to help you stay centered and connected to God’s peace.
  • Fertility Tracking Tools: Utilize temperature charts, cycle trackers, and other tools to help you understand your body’s rhythms, all designed with a faith-based approach.
  • Journaling Prompts and Worksheets: Engage in reflective journaling with prompts and worksheets that focus on your spiritual and emotional healing, tailored to your journey.

A Christian Fertility Coach is for you if you're,

Tired of feeling lost and unsure of God’s plan, and ready to seek clarity and guidance rooted in faith.

Ready to take intentional steps forward, embracing a faith-centered approach to your fertility journey.

Committed to aligning your life, health, & hormones, to foster fertility and faith in the waiting.

Don't let anymore time pass going through this alone.

Get bible-based support and answers around your fertility.


Enroll Today for The Path to Motherhood 6 Week Mentorship