I'm just going to call a spade a spade here and say this: As Christians, we love to overcomplicate purpose. We take quizzes, sign up for online courses, listen to podcasts, etc. All in the name of uncovering our purpose. 

But the truth? The Bible tells us this: Our purpose is to glorify God in whatever we do. 

to me - this is freedom. 

to me - this is exhilarating.

to me - this just really, really simplifies a whole lot.

As a young wife in a new country - I spent years searching for my purpose. I begged God to reveal it to me - as if we were playing this super unfun game of hide and seek. 

Funny thing - God didn't reveal my purpose to me. He showed me how our purpose is all the same as believers, to simply do ALL we do for His Glory. To live out the great commission of making disciples in whatever we do. 

HOW we live that out is called our area of impact (aka our job or hats that we wear).

I found my area of impact when He showed me my passions, gifts and what I enjoyed doing. 

This Is exactly why I created The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Purpose - to help you identify areas of great impact to live out our purpose! 

When you download this freebie - here's what you'll get: 

  • A 19-page workbook designed to be written all over, mocked up, and tattered as you work through where God may be calling you to a specific purpose in this season.
  • Guided exercises to help you identify where your skills, talents, passions and experiences naturally intersect and give insight into what your purpose could look like as you live a life of giving God glory.
  • spaces to write, reflect and pray.


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